Friday, May 23, 2014

Monday, May 19

My dance partner from last night,
he smells delicious.
I woke up this morning and saw my lovely pineapple from yesterday sitting in a bag on the kitchen counter.  It smells absolutely delicious, but there was no time to cut it because today was my first day of Spanish classes at Solexico.  Rocky and I had to take a placement test and I found it surprisingly easy.  This is the first time I feel like high school Spanish wasn’t complete waste.  Rocky and I were placed in the same Level 2 class and there are only 4 students.  Our teacher is Adrian and he’s super nice.  Class lasts for 3 hours: 9am-12pm.

After class, we walked home and Mrs. Irma greeted us at the door.  She said that Gabriel, the kid from the Fiesta on Sunday, had stopped by and was going to come back at 1 to see us.  In the meantime, I decided to be kind of productive and do my Spanish Homework…. I finally remember why I disliked Spanish so much in High School, but at least the homework is pretty easy and doesn’t take more than half an hour to do.
Yay! Spanish homework.  New life lesson, even when
you're out of school, you're never truly out of school.
Sight seeing selfie.
 At 1, Gabriel came by and we went for a walk around the Zocalo.  I tried a snow cone, lime because they didn’t have lemon.  Unfortunately, I was too afraid to eat all of it because I have heard many stories about people from the States getting sick from the water and ice here in Mexico.  I’ve been only drinking filtered water, but the few bites of the unfiltered snow cone were very delicious.  We saw a movie later, 3 Days to Kill.  It thought this was a safe choice because I had already seen in once in English back home, but to my surprise, the movie was in English here too!!! Just with Spanish subtitles.  Next time I go to a movie, I’m going to pick one where they speak in Spanish so I can try to understand.

I cooked my first meal in our kitchen, I made stuffed peppers and a salad.  I forgot to mention before that the supermarket didn’t have tomato paste, mint, or plain balsamic vinegar, so my salad was only dressed with oil and garlic and the stuffed peppers were lacking a bit of flavor, but all in all, they came out very delicious.

Later in the night Rocky cut up the pineapple and it was so sweet and delicious.  Mrs Irma, who we now refer to as our mother, cooked us each dinner.  She made Rocky chicken with Mole, and because she knows I’m a picky eater, she made me plain pasta in plain sauce.

It was a busy day so I went to bed pretty quickly.  A couple other random highlights of my day: I figured out that the hot water in the shower is the left knob only, I downloaded Season 4 of Pretty Little Liars on my laptop, and Rocky has me super excited for the World Cup!  I put up sticky notes on our wall with important game days…

Sticky notes are probably the most important thing I packed,

Maria Katerina

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